ツリーポン / Tree-pon

ツリーポン / Tree-pon
日本 東京 / Tokyo, Japan
2020年12月 / Dec. 2020
パヴィリオン / Pavilion
撮影:Tsubasa K
東京の二子玉川 蔦屋家電に、ソーラーパネルを使用したプロダクトを展示するために製作したパヴィリオン。ツリーの形をした什器を、日本の伝統的な相欠き(アイガキ)を用いて設計することを試みた。高さ225mm、厚さ15mmの合板を相欠きで組み上げ、自重を受け入れながら安定していく方法を模索した。基本ピースの高さを225mmとすることで、組み合わせ方次第で、椅子にもカウンターにもなるように設計した。
We created a pavilion to display products using solar panels at Futako Tamagawa TSUTAYA ELECTRICS, Tokyo. We used traditional Japanese joinery "Aigaki" to create a new tree-like shape. By joining plywood with a height of 225 mm and a thickness of 15 mm through wood joinery techniques, we sought to make something that is stable and can support its own weight. As the height of the piece lies at 225 mm, the structure is designed to function as either a chair or counter, depending on how it is assembled.
We decided to use basic elements, forming a large tree by stacking Lauan wood, which is easily accessble. Tha size of the wood joint notches vary from 30 to 50 mm, growing deeper as higher up in the structure, improving overall stability. By exploring the form of architectual structures, the aim is to apply it high-rise buildings and architectural scales.
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